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LINE Friends席卷太古里三里屯
简介北京–8月18日。超人气卡通形象LINE FRIENDS主题闪店盛大登陆北京三里屯太古里,一与消费者见面,就在北京掀起了LINE旋风。Beijing – Aug. 18th. ...
北京–8月18日。超人气卡通形象LINE FRIENDS主题闪店盛大登陆北京三里屯太古里,古里一与消费者见面,卷太就在北京掀起了LINE旋风。古里
Beijing – Aug. 18th. Super popular cartoon characters - LINE Friends POP UP STORE comes to Beijing, which caught lasting Beijing LINE wave when it met the Beijing customers in Sanlitun Tai Kooli .
在三里屯太古里的南北广场的各主要区域,具有个性和趣味的古里LINE FRIENDS,以不同的卷太姿态和形象示人,展现出浓浓的古里盛夏海洋风情。憨态可掬的卷太布朗熊、萌态十足的古里可妮兔、真人尺寸的卷太玩偶引路人驻足观看。人们一开始见到LINE FRIENDS是古里略显意外,之后各路型男靓女慕名而来,卷太摆着各种POSE和可爱的古里LINE宝贝们合影留念,炎炎烈日丝毫抵御不住四面八方聚拢而来的卷太游客们的热情。
In Sanlitun south and north plaza, LINE Friends make interaction with consumers with their personalities, images, summer sea taste in main areas. Cute Brown & Cony real tall as a man attract people. From the initial surprise that people see LINE Friends, then trendsetters come by its reputation. The customers take photos with these lovely LINE babies in a variety of postures. Even the burning sun cannot withstand the tourists’ enthusiasm.
在北京太古里三里屯南广场LG层中庭,LINE FRIENDS主题闪店也充满着惊喜,迎合盛夏之季,LINE FRIENDS主题闪店首次以“乐聚海洋世界”为装饰主题,从店铺装饰到商场陈列,在视觉上都打造出拥有LINE FRIENDS夏日海洋世界之风。清爽的购物环境中, LINE九位角色悉数登陆LINE FRIENDS北京主题闪店,又增加了一大亮点。这些角色包括:Cony(兔兔)、Brown(熊大)、Moon(馒头人)、James(詹姆士)、Sally(莎莉)、Jessica(洁西卡)、Boss(部长)、Edward(爱德华)、Leonard(雷纳德),毛绒绒的卡通钥匙扣、新颖别致的主题杯等都让人爱不释手,每一个来到主题店内的顾客都流露出流连忘返的表情!曾经光顾LINE FRIENDS太古里三里屯主题闪店的客人小欣,兴奋地对记者说:“我爱LINE塑造的这些形象,它们个性各异,形象可爱,我抑制不住来这里光顾的冲动,买了这么多LINE FRIENDS的产品,送给我的朋友。”光顾LINE FRIENDS主题闪店的客人,以二十左右的年轻人居多,但不乏举家莅临采购的场景,可见LINE FRIENDS的形象受到各年龄层次的喜爱。
People won’t be disappointed in the theme “POP UP in sea town”. In summer, LINE POP UP STORE firstly develops the theme “POP UP in sea town”, and On the LG floor of south piazza in Taikoo li Sanli tun, POP UP STORE located here with its decoration and display evokes the feeling of summer sea town style. Such cool and pleasant shopping environment plus all the LINE Friends including 9 characters: Cony, Brown, Moon, James, Sally, Jessica, Boss, Edward, Leonard coming to Beijing. The fuzzy cartoon key rings、novelty theme cups all attract people’s eyeball and let everyone be not willing to leave! One guest that visited LINE FRIENDS POP UP STORE in Taikoo li Sanli tun has told the reporter ”I love LINE FRIENDS so much, they have different characters with so many cute image and attractive personalities. I can’t help myself to come here buy LINE products for me and my friends. ” LINE POP UP STORE’s visitors are usually young teens and 20s, but the whole family also visits a lot, it is showed the power of LINE FRIENDS characters are over age and gender.
抵挡不住盛夏北京的热情,LINE FRIENDS本次带给太古里三里屯LINE FRIENDS爱好者们众多惊喜:此次LINE FRIENDS主题闪店为广大LINE的中国粉丝带来了270余款限时限量LINE 友商品,销售商品种类创LINE FRIENDS主题商店历次之最.LINE FRIENDS形象抱枕、USB、马克杯和毛绒公仔是众多商品中最受消费者偏爱的畅销品。此外,众多LINE FRIENDS人物形象的礼品亲临即得: 购物满300元可获得LINE表情贴纸,购物满500元可获得LINE硅胶耳机塞,购物满800元可获得LINE钥匙扣。并且只要光临闪店,即可获得印有LINE人物形象的奇趣纷呈的扇子,在炎热的夏天带给您清凉舒心。
In this summer, with warm heart and hot hospitality, LINE FRIENDS will brought great surprising to you in Taikoo li Sanli tun: , LINE Friends POP UP STORE brings more than 270 categories of LINE products which are the most categories that LINE have launched . Head cushion, USB, couple doll set, mug cup, mouse pad is the best seller. LINE FRIENDS characters gifts are waiting for you here: Buy more than >300rmb, get LINE character sticker ; Buy more than >500rmb, get LINE ear cap; Buy more than > 800rmb,get LINE key chain. And also you can get cute LINE character fan just visit, to get comfortable and cool in the fantastic summer in Taikoo li Sanli tun.
本次活动将持续至8月28日,除了丰富的商品,LINE主题店铺还为消费者准备了多重互动环节及优惠内容,LINE FRIENDS充满创意和热情地与北京朋友零距离亲密接触,每逢周五至周日,您可以与真人比例的可爱的Cony(兔兔)和Brown(熊大)互动、合影,他们萌态百出,各种可爱的动作让您忍俊不禁, 带给您无限欢乐和留恋。让大家在布朗熊、可妮兔陪伴购物的同时享受特别定制的休闲体验,也使每位顾客倍感惊喜,这个夏天因为LINE而更加精彩。
This event will be lasting to August 28th, except of the rich products, this POP UP store prepared interactions and benefits for consumers, make them enjoy the fantastic & unique “made to order” which let them have a wonderful summer. You can meet real size of Cony and Brown, take photos with them. They look so cute and show lovely poses that make you can’t help to touch or kiss them.
Since the opening day, many products are in panic buy and cause hot discussion in many social medias, even the fashion bloggers recommend strongly.
* Messages based on ination shown in store
受邀于全球众多知名城市,LINE FRIENDS主题商店在全球巡展,包括韩国、台湾、香港、新加坡、泰国、马来西亚、印度尼西亚、日本、上海等国家和地区。现在,LINE FRIENDS已来到中国北京。LINE的产品类别包括贴纸、动画、漫画、卡通人物、角色产品等80多个品种,LINE同时还拥有超过 400多种的玩偶。在未来,LINE将为消费者提供更多类别的、风靡全球的创意产品。
There so many big cities have contacted LINE for holding the POP UP stores in their cities, such as Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, and Shanghai. LINE Friends arecoming to Beijing of China. LINE has developed products including message stickers, TV animations, cartoon books, character products, dolls, etc. The items’ number isover 400 , and in the future we shall develop more popular products for the whole world.
Media inquire
Derek 王文勇
Business inquire
GNDL culture communication Co., Ltd
Zheng Dongyin
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